99FM – Your Inspiration Station

The National Art Gallery of Namibia

Questioning What Comfort Is?

It started as a politically inspired project and became a thought provoking statement that questions individual inner perspectives. Ndasuunje Papa Shikongeni  is about to open his first photographic exhibition at…

Perspectives for the Environment in the Arts

In this episode of the MYD Earth Show we talk about innovation in the space of sustainability and how even in the arts you can be environmentally conscious with Dr….

Solving a Murder Mystery at an Exhibition

The stage is set for an exhibition that is also the scene of a murder mystery. An anonymous artist has, in a mischievous yet meticulous style, prepared an entertaining journey…

Exciting Namibian Artists to Watch

To practice is to learn and learning is ultimately how we succeed at anything. A new exhibition at the National Art Gallery of Namibia (NAGN), is about to open that…

Tips To Ignite Your Creativity

Creativity is something not limited to artists, but something that is alive in every human being. As with anything though, creativity is a cumulative activity; the more you do it,…

Appreciation for the Peace of Daily Life in Namibia

A portrayal of life in the place that assisted him to be able to practice as an artist, is Tity Tshilumba’s latest solo exhibition titled The Daily Life which is…