99FM – Your Inspiration Station

The MYD Show : 30 – Abandonment and Neglect

Some of the effects of abandonment and neglect on a person include impaired thinking ability, a predisposition to poverty and stress, problems with things like time management and impulse control. So if we want to talk about poverty eradication we need to start the conversation about caring for one another and for our community.

Abandonment and Neglect is also not something that is limited to extreme cases as many people have some abandonment wounds to heal, and most relationship problems stem from abandonment wounds.

In this episode of MYD we looked at abandonment and neglect in order to find the path to healing.

Joining us in studio we had Ute Sinkala a Clinical Psychologist and Karembera Petrus a young man in his words “has a future because of the care of others”.

Listen to the full episode of the MYD Show on Abandonment and Neglect, here:


