99FM – Your Inspiration Station

Being Ndapewoshali Ndahafa Ashipala

Meet Ndapewoshali, our latest 99FM blog contributor.

She is an accountant and Namibian labour law specialist by profession, a self-taught graphic designer and avid community activist. She uses writing to tackle (sometimes uncomfortable) social issues with the hope of transforming the Namibian and the global community’s mindset on the current status quo. Ndapewoshali believes that love, as a verb (through kindness, patience, common understanding and tolerance), consistent education and reform, are the answers for all social, economic and political ills. She is also a strong advocate for mental health awareness and the importance of creating a safe environment in which mental health is prioritized and mental illness is destigmatized. Ndapewoshali is an art-loving (in all its forms), hopeless romantic who believes in making the world a better place; one thought, one word, one action at a time.

Getting to know ‘Ndaps’


Name: Ndapewoshali Ndahafa Ashipala

Hometown: Oranjemund/Windhoek/Oshakati, Namibia… We moved around a lot.

Occupation: Accountant, Namibian Labour Law Specialist, Graphic Designer, Writer/Editor

Three words that describe you: Meticulous, Kind, Passionate

At birth, if you were able to give yourself a name, what name would it be and why?

I don’t know really… I actually really love my name. I believe names have a lot of power and that every time you call someone by a name, you’re speaking whatever their name means in to their life. My names mean “I was given a gift” and “I’m happy” and I love the concept of being a gift and a source of joy/happiness to people.

What is your fondest childhood memory?

I think spending the majority of my childhood in a small, close-knit town. So many life-long friendships were formed in Oranjemund.

When do you feel most like yourself?

When I’m creating. Writing, drawing, knitting, painting, making clothes or beadwork or designing.

What would you do if you weren’t afraid?

I think I’d speak to people more.

What do you do for growth?

I read. Especially on subject matter I know little about. I also consult people who know more about a certain subject matter than I do.

When was the last time you did something that challenged you and what was it?

I registered for a diploma and gave myself no room for error. I told myself I want to graduate three times by the time I turn 30. The Diploma was a two-year course on distance, I was employed full-time, in two business ventures with partners and running a third business on my own. I started the course with exactly two years to complete it. I’d be up from 5am until 1am every day for two years. I’m turning 30 in April 2019… I’m also graduating for the third time in April 2019!

If Happiness was a currency, how rich (or poor) do you think you are? 

I’m Knowles-Carter rich baby! 2 Billion US dollars baby! *Insert sunglass emoji here*

What would enough look like to you?

A life filled with love.

Imagine yourself on your death bed, how would you like for your life to have looked like?

I’d liked to have loved more. To not have allowed myself to do anything that wasn’t out of love. To have always done to others as I would have them do to me.



Look out for Ndapewoshali’s blog pieces here and check her out on her own pages:

Blog: ndapewoshaliwrites.wordpress.com

Facebook: Ndapewoshali Ndahafa Ashipala

LinkedIn: Ndapewoshali Ndahafa Ashipala

Instagram: ndapewoshali_a

Twitter: ndapewoshali_a


