ECN responds to reports about deregistration of political parties

The Electoral Commission of Namibia (ECN) has issued a statement raising concern to reports regarding compliance with section 139, 140 and 141 of the Electoral Act to the Democratic Coalition of Namibia Party (DCN), Federal Convention of Namibia Party (FCN) and Namibia Democratic Movement for Change Party (Namibia-DMC) that was not replied to or compiled with. In a media statement the ECN noted that the above mentioned parties were not participating in elections, more were they functioning as per the requirement of the Electoral Act and only took part in elections in 2004.
As a result and due to the fact that the authorised representatives as appearing on the ECN register were not reachable on the telephone numbers and addresses provided to the ECN, a notice was placed in the local newspapers, calling on the authorised representatives of the respective parties to contact the ECN and to be heard before a decision was taken regarding deregistration. According to the ECN, none of the representatives contacted the ECN and neither were any changes communicated to the Commission. As a result the Commission took a decision to deregister these specific political parties and associations/organisations as provided for by the Electoral Act.