99FM – Your Inspiration Station

Money money money, it’s so funny…

We work hard for it every day. Not only do we have to worry about how to stretch it throughout the month, we also have to worry about how it will last us well into the future. 

Think about it. If we’re supposed to retire at the age of 60 and let’s say we are healthy and fit and get to celebrate our 90th birthday. That’s 30 years of not getting an income. 30 Years? Yip 30 whole years. Investing in a pension fund, sooner rather than later seems like the most sensible thing to do then. 

The Government Institutions Pension Fund (GIPF) has been running an extensive Financial Literacy Campaign as one of the ways in which the GIPF is educating its members on pension fund related matters to empower them to make well informed financial decisions when they retire or resign.

A few tips we picked up were

  • Invest your lump sum wisely
  • Preserve your money when changing jobs

Don’t know about you, but these sound like sound investments to start making right now. 

For more information, contact Morna Ikosa, GIPF Acting GM: Marketing and Stakeholders Engagement by sending her an email: mikosa@gipf.com.na 


