RnB: The Soundtrack To A Love Story

#TheDrive With Skrypt
Music has it’s way to pull on the strings of nostalgia like nothing else created by mankind. The song that was playing when you drove your first car for the first time. The song that was on full blast on a Sunday morning as an alarm clock to get up and attend to your chores. The song your uncle played at the family get together that got everyone on their feet. They all stick with you; but nothing like the song that reminds you of your first love.
Love is arguably the most relatable thing that a songwriter can write about because at some point we all feel the feeling, whether or not that love lasts is a different topic. But we know it exists, we have felt it and some of us are lucky enough to experience it longer than others. You can forget your phone number, you can forget your license plate, you can even forget your best friend’s middle name but your first love will be etched in your memory in the form of a song.
Hiha Katjivena recalls his first love every time he hears a specific song. I can’t blame him either, Usher and Alicia keys wrote the perfect story of infatuation and executed it perfectly in the music video too with ‘My Boo’. Here is Hiha’s recount of his first love:
It sounds like Hiha won’t be forgetting ‘My Boo’ anytime soon, and why would he want to? It’s such a beautiful story to remember. Think of the song that takes you back to your first time experiencing romance and give it a spin in your speakers. You’re never too cool to live in the past a little bit.
Here’s a look at the top 50 greatest love songs of all time according to Billboard. Have a look at see how many of them you have a personal story for. The number one song may surprise you.