#TEDxWomenVineta 2023 ft Audrey Chanakira – Speaker

“What excites me about women in tech is that we are getting educated. So many women are graduating and I’m super proud of that. I [want] to encourage women to be more active in STEM fields because we need these women in leadership positions.” Skrypt spoke with upcoming TEDxWomenVineta 2023 speaker, Audrey Chanakira about what inspired her to take part and what she hopes listeners will gain from her talk.
Don’t miss out on this transformative experience! Tickets are available now for N$500. Visit tedxvinetawomen.com for more info or follow them on social media. 🎟️ Proudly supported by 99FM🙌 #TedxVinetaWomen#BuildingBridges#inspiration#Empowerment#GetYourTickets#TransformativeEvent#99FMSupports#99FM#99FMNam