President Mbumba embarks on official visit to the south

President Nangolo Mbumba has commenced an official visit to Keetmanshoop, where he is set to engage with traditional leaders representing the Hardap and //Karas Regions. The President’s arrival marks a significant moment for local governance and community relations in the southern regions of Namibia.
In addition to these crucial meetings, President Mbumba is scheduled to preside over the University of Namibia (UNAM) Southern Campus Graduation ceremony on April 5, 2024, in his capacity as Chancellor of UNAM. This event underscores the government’s commitment to education and the recognition of academic achievements in the country.
Furthermore, on the same day, President Mbumba will convene with the executives of the Namibian Institute of Mining and Technology (NIMT), highlighting the administration’s focus on the development of technical and vocational skills crucial for the nation’s industrial growth.
Looking ahead, President Mbumba’s itinerary extends to meetings with the leadership of Lüderitz on April 6, 2024, emphasizing the government’s dedication to engaging with local authorities and communities across the nation.
Continuing his tour, President Mbumba will visit the Green Hydrogen Projects on April 6, 2024, demonstrating Namibia’s commitment to sustainable energy solutions and environmental stewardship. Additionally, on April 7, 2024, the President will tour Shark Island, underscoring efforts to promote tourism and preserve the nation’s natural heritage.
The President’s packed schedule reflects the government’s proactive approach to addressing regional concerns, fostering educational excellence, supporting economic development initiatives, and promoting environmental sustainability. President Mbumba’s engagements during this visit are anticipated to strengthen ties with local stakeholders and advance the nation’s agenda for progress and prosperity.