Rainhold & Haitope defend Rössing Marathon title

Rössing Marathon defending champion Thomas Rainhold was crowned as the 2024 champion, while Lavinia Haitope was crowned the ladies open champion, on Saturday, 9 March at the Rössing Marathon Championship in Swakopmund. Rainhold crossed the line at 02:18:18 while Haitope finished at 02:43:11. They both received N$ 20 000 cash and shopping vouchers valued at N$ 20 000 for their sports gear and equipment. Rössing Uranium’s Managing Director Johan Coetzee congratulated all the participants for their bravery to participate in the popular marathon event on the athletics calendar.
“For you to be here, it might have started with that friend who dragged you into this running thing. They annoyed you with morning texts and made sure you never gave up. But here you are today. “Tap yourself on the shoulder for finishing this challenge regardless of the position you finished. We do this Marathon to promote healthy lifestyles and encourage every one of you to make your health a priority. We hope this was not just for social media pictures on a coastal trip. “It is safe to say, continue running or walking often to keep yourself fit and healthy. Move more so you can live longer is the theme of this year’s marathon edition,” he said.
Johan applauded the runners who took part for the second/third time. “They came back to make sure they give last year’s winners a chase for their money. This is entirely part of why we do this. Our country needs the best representation on the international track, hence the need to host his marathon.”
This year, over 2000 runners registered for the race. “This number present to us an opportunity to bolster our relationship with you and create new ones. It is evident that this event has grown from leaps and bounds.” The Fun Walk event attracted over 400 walkers, with winners from the set categories winning N$ 2000 each, as officially sponsored by Rössing Uranium contractor company, Oshitenda Business CC.
“To all the winners taking on the podium, Congratulations. You worked hard for it, and it is your time to harvest what you planted and never failed to water. For those who came up close, you too are a winner, and the next edition is surely yours to win,” said Johan.
The total prize money for this year is N$ 162 000.
-Rössing Uranium