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Rob Youth Foundation Namibia and partners celebrate Africa Day at Katutura Old Age Home

In true African spirit, the Rob Youth Foundation Namibia(RYF) joined hands with International Peace Youth Group, International Women’s Peace Group, and Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light (HWPL) to visit the Katutura Old Age Home as part the Africa Day Commemoration. The team undertook various activities such as cleaning the bathrooms and toilets, washing of dishes in the kitchen and cleaning the yard of the Old Age Home.

The elders were pampered as the delegates performed manicures and pedicures much to the delight of their hosts. Naomi Kamenye, Managing Director of Rob Youth Foundation Namibia and a Miss Namibia 2024 Finalist led the team said it was in the best interest of African youth to give back and start directing their efforts of taking care of their elders as it is their responsibility as the new generation to take care of their elders.

“It’s very important to celebrate Africa Day as it’s very Important to Celebrate the diversity of Africa, and also to keep our culture. As Africans it’s such a great day and celebrating with our elderly, giving back to them however we can signify the spirit of Ubuntu – a critical component of Africa Day. The Foundation pampered our elders and cleaned their residence. I’m super happy to be part of such simple but considerable act of kindness on Africa Day,” she said. Chantel Kamehozu Rob Youth Foundation Khomas Regional Manager said: “I think it is very imperative to celebrate Africa Day, because as Africans, it helps us understand who we are as people and it also help us to draw back and remember our ancestors and ancestral land that we have received. It also helps us understand who we are as a continent and also defines unity on a different perspective as we are African who are actually united, working together for one call and one purpose. We had a splendid time at the old age home with our elderly whom are dear to our heart as a Foundation, and also with all our partners involved.” Paheja Ndjoze who spoke on behalf of International Peace Youth Group and International Women’s Peace Group said Celebrating Africa Day is a way of reuniting Africans together, “as we are all one, and also just to create the atmosphere and the environment for love and peace as Africans is very nice to keep in our heritage. Visiting the old age home was a great initiative: the event created a loving atmosphere and I really valued it. Even though people age, they still need love from the youth and us youngsters have a lot to learn from our elders. It was a very memorable experience.

Aloycius Hawangwa from HWPL believes it is very important for Africans to celebrate Africa, remembering history of where we are coming from and where we are headed. So it is important that we recognize the diverse culture we have and as well as the great potential to develop the continent given the resources we have on the continent. The event was amazing and it’s very important for us to visit the elderly as most of the time they are lonely, and some immobile and so I was happy to put a smile on their faces as we did a small act of service for them which I hope made a difference on the day. Meme Sophia, who spoke on behalf of the elders said she was very happy that the young people came to visit them and said it should not be a one-time visit. “Visit often not just come once. I enjoyed the singing and dancing performances you did for us we really appreciated it.”

-Rob Youth Foundation
