Stay In Holiday Mood All Year Round

Nothing beats a good holiday. You feel relaxed, unbothered, and happier simply because you’re carefree.
But now it’s back to daily grind. Game face on.
Aahhh aah…nope! Not just yet. Put back your sunglasses, put your feet up, clasp your hands behind your head and lean back. The holiday mood doesn’t have to be over….not psychologically.
Here’s how you can retain your overall holiday good vibe, all year round.
Don’t sweat the small stuff
When you’re on holiday, you live with a sense of ease.
You just stained your favorite blouse, no worries. You were laughing your guts out and wine spilled out of your mouth. Totally worth it!
Many small inconveniences we deal with in everyday life won’t be worth it, but wouldn’t it be better to shrug them off with a good o’ fashioned “oh well”, rather than complain about it all day.
“The key to a good life is this: If you’re not going to talk about something during the last hour of your life, then don’t make it a top priority during your lifetime.” ― Richard Carlson, Ph.D.
Look on the bright side
Last Christmas my family and I got food poisoning from your aunts potato/tuna salad…we all should’ve known better from the sound of the ingredients. Truly a recipe for disaster. But man, what a great Christmas it was. It forced everyone to stay over a little longer than expected. The kids put on a show and the adults got to actually talk things out and get much needed closure and healing from old wounds.
Will you get your feeling hurt this year? Most probably. You will be annoyed, inconvenienced and maybe even food poisoned. Those things don’t need to spoil your year. Put your feet up and look on the bright side, because there’s always a bright side.
Stay in the moment
While on holiday, we take the time to ‘smell the roses’, take in nature, go for long walks, we take the time to be in the moment. Yet, once the hustle and bustle begins, we speed through life. Constantly trying to get through the day, worrying about this and that.
Spiritual teacher Echart Tolle says “ The present moment is where we find true happiness.”
Watch as he teachers two exercises that will help you slow down and embrace the power of now, here .
Be more open.
When you’re on holiday you’re more open to talking and meeting new people. You’re more likely to put yourself out there.
Use that same attitude at work, at school, in your everyday life. Put yourself out there more. In your social circles, be the one that initiates new activities. Start conversations with complete strangers in a cab.Step out of your comfort zone and see how the world will open to you.