Fashion Designer

How To Be The “IT” Guy, By The “IT” Guys
The “IT” guy; the kind of guy that people respect and look up to. The kind of guy women love to be around, when they’re not swooning over him. These…
The MYD Show – Uncover Your Muse with Ingo Shanyenge
Ingo is a Namibian Fashion Designer. His star status was rising in the United Kingdom, where he studied fashion, but Ingo wanted to bring his passion for fashion back to…
Fashionable Namibia
“My style is Afrocentric and contemporary. My first collection was very European styled, back then I used to think African print is clichéd. Being from Africa and wearing African print,…
How to become a designer in Namibia
Sometimes the thing that we should be doing is right in front of us. Sometimes it’s the thing that we’ve been doing since we were young. Matheus Erastus never imagined…
Sewing Self Belief to Stitch Change
“When I was younger I would sneak into my mother’s wardrobe and try on her clothes, putting on her pretty dresses and high heels along with bright red lipstick.”…