99FM – Your Inspiration Station


Importance of Liquidity

“The best way to find out the liquidity of your investment is to determine how long it would take for that investment to be sold and converted into cash in…

Determining an Investment Goal

“It is most important to be honest to yourself. Each person’s situation is unique. Include all debts and assets. It is also easier to track whether you are saving and…

Trying to Make a Quick Buck Can be Risky

Chief Operating Officer (COO) at Capricorn Asset Management (CAM) Ian Erlank warns investors on the dangers of trading for yourself on Stock Exchanges and Currency Markets. “Generally I do not…

Due Diligence and Selecting Your Financial Services Provider

Last week on the Future Invest Show Claudia Boamah, Economic Analyst at Capricorn Asset Management (CAM) spoke about Economic as well as Market Indicators and Investing, the purpose of these…

Economic, Market Indicators and Investing

Economic Analyst at Capricorn Asset Management (CAM) Claudia Boamah said Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth is the most important rate as it sheds light on the overall health of an…

Define your Goals for Better Investment

Whether you’re a first-time investor or have been investing for many years, there are some basic questions you should always ask before you commit your hard-earned money to an investment….