99FM – Your Inspiration Station

Rachel du Raan

Breaking a Barrier to Girls Education

Contributing to as much as 20% of a girls academic year being intentionally skipped, a major barrier to education for girls in developing countries is a lack of menstrual products…

Keeping Environmental Learning Alive

The Khomas Environmental Education Programme (KEEP), is an exciting initiative of the Giraffe Conservation Foundation in Namibia. It’s a field-based environmental education programme that allows young people to reconnect with…

African Wild Dog Now Protected

According to Rachel Du Raan, “this is a testament to what can be achieved through collaboration”. Collaboration between the Ministry of Environment and Tourism, Non-Governmental Agencies and passionate individuals that…

The Values Children Learn Through Environmental Protection

  “Social values such as, love, compassion, tolerance and justice, these are the same values needed to protect biodiversity. As Namibians, the environment speaks to our spiritual and cultural customs…