99FM – Your Inspiration Station

4 Heart Health Tips from the Doctor

The month of love brings with it opportunities to reflect on the love in our lives. It is also, in the literal sense, a chance for us to consider the state of our hearts. As such 99FM’s MYD Heart spoke to Namibian Medical Doctor, Ruben Kanime, about how best to care for the health of your heart.

Your heart works nonstop your whole life and simple lifestyle changes ensure that it gets the care it needs to be able to function for you.

Here are Dr. Kanime’s 4 heart health tips to consider today :

Get Physical

“Sitting for long periods is not good for heart health.”

The most important thing you can do for the health of your heart is exercise. In fact, most cardio diseases are found in people with high cholesterol or who are overweight. This can greatly be helped with exercise.

Keep it simple, even if all you can do is 30 minutes a day, it will help.

Also, pay attention to how much time you spend seated in a day. Sitting for long periods is not good for heart health. Break the negative affect on heart health by breaking up long periods of sitting with some movement.

Be Sure and Check

“Regular check ups with your medical doctor should be scheduled yearly.”

Regular check ups to test blood pressure, cholesterol and glucose levels are a must.

This is especially important in high risk cases such as when you have a history of heart disease that runs in your family or you have high blood pressure. Regular check ups with your medical doctor should be scheduled yearly.vegetable-heart

Put the Good Stuff In

A healthy diet is a key factor in heart health. To help your heart’s arteries, cut down on saturated fats, which are mainly found in meat and full-fat dairy products. Eat as much fruits and vegetables as possible to help clean your system.

While many people in Namibia might not have access to healthy foods due to poverty, an option that works for all regardless of your income, could be to grow your own healthy food.

Spend Time with the Ones You Love

“The act of loving one another has been proven to improve heart health.”

The act of loving one another has been proven to improve heart health. Spending time with our loved ones has been shown to lower blood pressure. Hugs have also been shown to release oxytocin, the feel-good hormone, which has the power to reduce stress hormones and lower blood pressure.

Its been proven that your heart is happy when you are happy. Make it a point to spend time with people you love. Talk, laugh, confide, and enjoy each other. It’s good for your emotional health and your heart.

