Are Your Qualifications Authentic? Find out from the NQA.
Education is regarded as the greatest equalizer. Today, more than ever, there is an increasing demand for qualifications as more and more students are seeking study opportunities as a way to secure a better future. While this demand will also enable the country to develop a pool of talented Namibians with the right skills and knowledge to drive innovation and national development, it has also led to increasing cases of qualifications fraud.
Some of these cases involve the selling and buying of qualifications and subsequently, people falsely laying claims to qualifications either for further studies or employment purposes.
In order to eradicate qualifications fraud and protect the integrity of the country’s education system, the NQA advices all graduates to submit their qualifications for evaluation. Employers in particular are requested to always demand an NQA evaluation report for all qualifications before any candidate is recruited.
In this interview, the NQA’s Marketing and Communications Manager, Catherine Shipushu, outlines the importance and process of evaluating qualifications.
What is Evaluation of Qualifications?
Evaluation of qualifications by the NQA is the process of giving value to a qualification by comparing it to qualification types on the National Qualifications Framework (NQF) for Namibia.
Evaluation is also done to verify the legitimacy, credibility and validity of the awarding body and its qualifications. Any person may apply to have their qualifications evaluated by the NQA. However, NQA only evaluates qualifications that are quality assured.
• Legitimacy refers to the authenticity of the qualification
• Validity refers to whether the qualification was issued in a legal manner and by a legal body
• Credibility refers to whether the awarding body can be trusted
What is a quality assured qualification?
A qualification which is quality assured is recognised in the country of origin and obtained at an accredited institution.
Why is the evaluation of qualifications important?
- It provides valuable information regarding the status of qualifications and credentials of institutions.
- It enhances chances of employability • It opens up access routes to additional education and training
- It contributes to the personal development of each student and the socio-economic development of the nation at large.
- It provides assurance to the public and other stakeholders that a particular set of professional and academic standards have been achieved.
What type of qualifications does the NQA evaluate?
The NQA only evaluates qualifications and Unit Standards based awards which are quality assured in the country of origin. The NQA does not evaluate certificates of attendance and thus advices prospective learners to verify the status of BOTH the institution and the programme before enrolling for studies.
How long does the evaluation process take?
The process takes on average 30 working days. However this depends on the completeness of the application and availability of information regarding the particular qualification
What documents do I need to submit for evaluation of qualifications?
- Certified copies of the following documents should be submitted with the application form:
- Highest school qualification
- Each degree, diploma or certificate awarded;
- Complete, official academic record of each qualification issued by the awarding body;
- Completion of apprenticeships, where relevant;
- Qualifications in the original Language as well as translation of all non-English language documents translated by a sworn translator in Namibia;
- Degree/Diploma Supplement where applicable;
- Research paper/Work Projects/ Thesis where applicable;
- Proof of change of name, where applicable;
- Identity document or passport with photograph;
- Original documents as needed on request.
For more information, please contact:
Tel. +264 61 384 100
Please report all suspected unethical activities involving qualifications through the NQA Hotline 0811 411 411 or 08191847 or email: Reports can be made anonymously 24 hours a day.