MYD Heart | A Change of Heart

From a drug abusing rapper named ‘Slammer’, to burying a friend, to finding the light of God’s love and changing his destiny, Jeffrey Haoseb has had a tremendous change of heart.
In an interview on 99FMs MYD Heart, Jeffrey shared about the very difficult journey he has been on to let go of his own desires. He explained the challenge saying, “you’re going against everything you want to embrace something that is greater than you.” To serve he had to give up not only his dream of pursuing a career in music, but also his desire for drugs.
What could prompt such a dramatic conversion? “Being Slammer was all I knew,” he told 99FM. In 2013, Jeffrey accepted salvation and got baptised. However, choosing between a godly life and his music career wasn’t easy. He fell back into old patterns and social circles. By 2018 Jeffrey was very depressed and struggling with himself. He took a heavy dose of a new drug and had a serious overdose. The dealers and friends that were with him thought he was dead but woke up 30 minutes later.
A few days after that, a friend and fellow musician was found dead – overdose. At the funeral, Jeffrey had an “Aha!” moment; “that’s when it hit me,” he said. “I’m staring at a guy that I was just talking to last weekend and now, he’s gone! I realised, yoh, maybe I need to change my life.” However, that means fighting against your own body and what it craves. Jeffrey found the power and grace to overcome his addictions. “Now I had to embrace ministry and adapt to this new life that took laying down everything I ever wanted.”
His advice for young people who feel lost or overwhelmed by life is to “look within yourself and know that as much as we are a community, you have a purpose in God.” These days, Jeffrey goes to schools and colleges to share his testimony.
One of Namibia’s biggest hip hop stars, Jericho, commented on 99FM’s socials saying, “We did and witnessed a lot as kids. Today, we’re sharing our stories for change. I am a proud brother.”
MYD Heart is proudly brought to you by Namibia Health Plan (NHP). Catch MYD Heart on 99FM Mondays to Fridays at 17h35.