#MYDSmart ft Shanice Britz – Chief Operating Officer, IMN Technology Mentorship Institute

“IMN Tech is a new Educational Institution. Basically, our company started to address the skills gap between schools and the job market in terms of technology… And also to prepare our nation for the 4th industrial revolution.”
Shanice Britz, the Chief Operating Officer at the IMN Technology Mentorship Institute sheds light about the institute’s recently launched robotics clubs and labs for learners across Namibia that aim to empower the youth through the world of robotics.
Catch MYD Smart on 99FM Mondays to Fridays at 14h30 or Visit 99FM.com.na & click on the “Blog” tab to watch the full interview.
#99FM #99FMMYDSmart #99FMNamibia #IMN #Robotics