99FM – Your Inspiration Station

Senior officials meet in preparation for the inauguration of the Angola-Namibia Bi-National Commission

Ambassador Penda Naanda, Executive Director in the Ministry of International Relations and Cooperation and a Namibian delegation arrived in Luanda, Angola, for the Senior Officials Meeting of the Inaugural Session of the Angola-Namibia Bi-National Commission (BNC) taking place from 16-19 May 2024.

The BNC is a high-level bilateral platform that replaced the Joint Commission on Cooperation and the Joint Permanent Commission on Security and Defence mechanisms between the two countries.

The Senior Officials meeting will pave the way for the Ministerial segment of the Bi-National Commission and will focus on reviewing cooperation in various sectors including Diplomatic, Legal, Economic, Social, and Defence and Security, and exchange views on issues of mutual interest and concern at regional and multilateral fora.

The Namibian delegation comprises of Senior Government Officials from the Ministries of Agriculture, Water & Land Reform, Home Affairs, Immigration, Safety & Security, Health & Social Services, Information & Communication Technology, Urban & Rural Development, Defence & Veterans Affairs, Education, Arts & Culture, Environment, Forestry & Tourism, as well as Industrialization & Trade.

-Ministry of International Relations and Cooperation
