99FM – Your Inspiration Station

99FM. MYD Art

The Musical Mind of Meta

Metarere Tjiho, better known by his stage name Meta, is an up and coming hip hop artist making waves on the local music scene. He first stepped onto the stage…

Life Lessons from Lira

Last month 99FM hosted the Lira Master Class with the inspirational South African songstress Lira, who came to Windhoek to share with her audience the lessons she’s learnt in life….

10 Free Apps for Creatives

It used to be that if you wanted to get your creative juices flowing you had to take out your easel, brush and paints. There was always the possibility that…

Creative Table Fun with Gloria

Finding Fun ways to express your Joy for Life, Family and all that you have to be grateful for this Festive Season, 99FM’s MYD Art spoke to Gloria Izaks the…