99FM – Your Inspiration Station

December 21, 2015

Natural Namibian Bliss

“Here you can stand; on top of apricot hued dunes, in awe of the powerful and moody Atlantic Ocean, surrounded by rare and abundant wildlife, alone together with vast and…

A Joy that Overflows in Fits of Laughter

“My motto is “give joy –get joy” and kindness is a special gift, which science has proven effects the giver, receiver and even the witnesses of kindness equally.” The Joy…

Why I Should Take a Break

“As human beings, the importance of restoration is rooted in our physiology. We are not designed to spend energy continuously. Rather we are meant to pause between the expending of…

Creative Table Fun with Gloria

Finding Fun ways to express your Joy for Life, Family and all that you have to be grateful for this Festive Season, 99FM’s MYD Art spoke to Gloria Izaks the…