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Let’s Talk Psychologists

Parenting in turbulent times 

In the last of a three-week MYD Heart and Let’s Talk Psychologists series on communication, we highlight communication between parents and children in times of turbulence. Dr. Anina du Toit, a…

Let’s Talk Psych tips on communicating effectively in relationships 

The lockdown had many people in relationships lucky enough to spend more time together, or in other cases, being forced to do so. You may love your partner to bits…

Workplace communication during times of crisis

A famous saying by George Bernard Shaw goes: “The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place.” This alludes to one of the biggest mistakes…

Anger: the invisible toxin

Anger is particularly destructive in relationships. When we live in close contact with someone, our personalities, priorities, interests, and ways of doing things frequently clash. Leandre Kurz from Let’s Talk…

Toolkit for Staying Calm in the Face of Anger

In 99FM’s MYD Heart article “The nature of anger”, with the help of the team at Let’s Talk Psychologists, we heard that “Many things can lead a person to struggle…

The Nature of Anger

Namibian Clinical Psychologist Edwina Mensah-Husselman, and the team at Let’s Talk Psychologists have helped us to drill into the psychology of the emotion of anger. Firstly, helping us to understand…

Goodbye to Working Mommy Guilt

  Guilt is an emotional response that serves as a warning sign and emotional regulator.  It signals the need for behavioural modification in order to prevent repeating what we personally…