99FM – Your Inspiration Station

Family of Hope Services

The MYD Show : Season 2 Episode 1 – Follow Your Heart

Your heart holds the compass that will direct you to the very best for your life. Your heart will whisper the guidance that will lead you to your passion and…

The MYD Show : 30 – Abandonment and Neglect

Some of the effects of abandonment and neglect on a person include impaired thinking ability, a predisposition to poverty and stress, problems with things like time management and impulse control….

Turning Neglect into Care and Hope

“A community, a society and a nation is judged by the way it treats its weakest members, so nourishment, shelter, love and care should be things that children can take…

The MYD Show : 27 – What Makes You Come Alive

Who are the people and what are the things that make you come alive? How can you live each day to move closer to those things? What idea or dream…