99FM – Your Inspiration Station

January 4, 2016

HIV/AIDS Prevalence Among Youth Between Ages 15-24 Years at 8%

“The biggest challenge to human development today, particularly Namibia are high levels of unemployment especially among the youth, the HIV/AIDS epidemic, the high level of drop outs and non-completion especially…

Talking About a Resolution Revolution

“Being a master of your own destiny is the coolest – it is not easy to really dedicate ourselves to sustained change, but achieving discipline and control is an immeasurably…

The Value of Adventure

“A trip to Khaudum should give you a real sense of achievement.” Called the last frontier by the many involved in the project, Khaudum is positioning itself to be one…

The Value You Start a New Year With

“Not knowing how to achieve something does not make it an excuse not to achieve it.” What values are you taking with you into the New Year? The new year…

Sam’s Advice for 2016

“For 2016, being healthy both physical and mental must be a key goal. Before we think of other goals that we would like to set for ourselves, we must deliberately…