99FM – Your Inspiration Station

Win Free Ad Space with Fruitree

Fruitree is giving away 8 weeks of ad space on 99FM to a deserving small business.
To participate, simply enter your own small local business or suggest a business who you feel deserves this advertising space by sending an email to @fruitree@99fm.com.na.
4 Winners will be selected overall and given the amazing opportunity to advertise their business over 8 weeks.
The email should  explain what the business is about, how long it’s been running and a motivate why it should be selected. Thereafter, all entrants will be called live on air and they will then have 2 minutes to share information about their business.  4 Winners will be selected overall and given this amazing opportunity to advertise their business over 8 weeks.
Competition runs until the 9th November.
Fruitree… Forever Giving.
TERMS & CONDITIONS APPLY. /99-reasons-terms-and-conditions/
