Afrospection with Kirstin Van As

Yoga Instructor, Massage Therapist, Qigong Trainer and Alternative Healer, Kirstin Van As, shares here her learnings and lessons from the past year, her self examination from Africa… her Afrospection.
Kirstin’s favourite quotes right now:
“To be enough for someone in the world of greed is everything.”
“One of the most important things you can do for another person, is to just hold space for them.” – Peter Caughey
If you could wake up tomorrow having gained any one quality or ability, what would it be?
KVA: I would love to be able to scan a book and extract all the information in 10 seconds. I guess I’m a bit addicted to information.
What challenged you in 2018 and how did you overcome this challenge?
KVA: My challenge this year was to choose quality over quantity. I always want to help everyone and say ‘yes’ to everything. I had to learn to say ‘no’ so that the people I do make time for, be it friends, family or clients, get better quality time from me rather than trying to help everyone, and not REALLY helping anyone at the end of the day.
What’s one thing that bothers you most about the world today?
KVA: I’m trying to shift my mind from ‘what bothers me about the world’ to ‘what bothers the world about me’. I’ve realised that any change I’d like to see in the world I first need to cultivate within myself. So, to answer my own question, I think I still need to learn to be less selfish and more selfless.
What was your biggest personal development learning of 2018?
KVA: I think the biggest obstacle I have overcome this year was to finish the 10-day sitting meditation course at a Vipassana Centre. That has really defined my character, strengthened my mind and deepened my understanding of who I am and how I fit into this world.
What is your wish for Namibia for 2019?
KVA: That more and more people will find the courage to look within for answers rather than resort to short-term, external solutions such as alcohol, drugs and anti-depressants. My hope for this country is that people will start looking, searching and yearning for alternative answers when the conventional ones have failed to provide relief. I hope that tools such as Yoga, Meditation, Qigong, Pilates, Art Therapy, Dance Therapy and many more alternative therapies will become more and more popular and accepted in our country.
Where do you find your inspiration?
KVS: My inspiration comes from my connection to Source. And that comes through meditation and prayer.
What’s on your bucket list for 2019?
KVS: Next year I’d like to add writing to my list. I’m not sure how this will fall into place, but I’d like to inspire people by reaching out through writing on an online platform in any way that provides this possibility. Another thing will be to travel more, keep on meeting wonderful people and to keep growing my knowledge and skills so that I can ultimately reach more people through my work.
Do you believe in second chances?
Absolutely. We learn the most through our failures.