How Emily Found Her Fit

“My parents both have high blood pressure and my Dad has diabetes. I made a decision, that this wouldn’t be me.”
Recently awarded the Fitness Personality of the Year 2018, at the Simply You Awards, Emily Kandanga is the Co-Founder & Trainer at Sweat Fitness Namibia. Her journey to becoming a Namibian fitness icon, began we she saw the epidemic of ill health around her, especially preventable diseases. “My parents both have high blood pressure and my Dad has diabetes. I made a decision, that this wouldn’t be me.” Explains Emily.
From humble beginnings, Emily started educating herself into a healthier life. “I went into the gym and was like a lost little lamb for the first two years, just feeling my way out. I tried different things, reading a lot and genuinely became interested in how my body was feeling through the process.”
Emily rise to become a fitness coach started when she started sharing her journey online, “I started a YouTube channel, and started engaging people who were interested in doing things about their health but didn’t know where to start.”
“I love seeing people grow in their fitness journey. As the body gets stronger, this builds mental strength as well. Seeing how this translates to the rest of your life, its amazing.”
“In the beginning most of what I did, I was just winging it. Sharing what worked for me, because maybe it will work for you.”
With time, this passion project became a focus of Emily’s life. “I got a certification in personal training and now I’m qualified to tell the people the things that I tell them, which is fun. I’ve kept at it, doing more courses. I want to be able to give people advice in all realms.” Explains Emily.
When asked why she decided to continue growing herself in the space of health and fitness in Namibia, Emily notes that “there is a need for it and I saw how it changed my life. I love watching people when the light bulb goes on and it all makes sense. I love being that person who helps them get to that place.”
Emily, with an Honours Degree in Event Management, a Diploma in Hospitality Management, works a full day in events and then shares her passion for fitness after hours. “My ultimate dream, would be waking up every morning and having clients to train from 6 a.m. I hope to be working more with corporate companies and schools, to promote wellness. Another dream would be to one day have a studio of my own.” Explains Emily, whose business, Sweat Fitness Namibia currently operates out of the Windhoek High School, High Performance Centre. Sweat Fitness Namibia is the brainchild of three women, all on a mission to change the way we think about health and fitness.
When talking about her recent award win, Fitness Personality of the Year, Emily explains, “I really wasn’t expecting it. I didn’t know so many people were voting, because I was told that it was actually quite an overwhelming amount of votes for me. I don’t want to be negative, but in the industry that we operate in, things seem to go to certain people all the time, so I really wasn’t expecting it.”
When asked what the response to her win has been like from her family, Emily explains that ,“everybody was really happy and really excited for me. Even my boot camp class was rallying and voting for me. It’s really humbling, the right word for the feeling, is gratitude.”
If you want to get in touch with Emily, you’ll find Sweat Fitness Namibia through their website by clicking here or calling 08132353521
Emily notes that if you’re curious about embarking on a journey to health and fitness, all you need to do is simply try it out. “I always reiterate that if you are a bit skeptical about seeking out healthier options to live your life, it will be the best decision that you make. Just take one tiny step. I love seeing people grow in their fitness journey. As the body gets stronger, this builds mental strength as well. Seeing how this translates to the rest of your life, its amazing.”