5 healing ways to deal with trauma
Experiencing a traumatic event takes a heavy toll on people and it can manifest itself in health issues like headaches, fatigue, low energy or tense muscles. It also manifests in…
Healing with yoga – 5 reasons to take up yoga today!
Yoga /ˈjəʊɡə/ Noun A Hindu spiritual and ascetic discipline which includes simple meditation combined with specific body postures – often practised for relaxation and health purposes. For thousands of years,…
Five reasons why you should be getting more sunlight
We’re all spending more time indoors and a negative consequence of that is not getting enough sunlight. While too much sunlight is definitely not healthy (given the risks that…
Self-care tips for lockdown
We’re all feeling it. No more salon visits, gyms are closed, barbers have closed and you certainly cannot indulge in professional pampering sessions like massages, facials, and manicures. So what…
COVID – 19 and Anxiety: Beauty Boois gives three tips for coping
Life is full of stressful situations as it is but with the spread of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) worldwide, people suffering from anxiety are faced with more pressure on their mental…
Food as a mode of vitality
“Now, more than ever, as we experience more stress, exercise and move less, breathe in more polluted air and consume food in a form that is very different to its…
Dr Vaja Zatjirua’s insight into our brains
MYD: How does the brain work? VZ: The brain is a very sophisticated piece of machinery. It is a very active organ, it’s busy all the time. An important concept…
Harnessing The Power of Healing With Meditation
With Mental Health Awareness Day coming up on 10 October, the world is gearing up for “40 seconds of action” to raise awareness towards the scale of suicide around the…

How Emily Found Her Fit
“My parents both have high blood pressure and my Dad has diabetes. I made a decision, that this wouldn’t be me.” Recently awarded the Fitness Personality of the Year 2018,…
Naturally Beautiful
In the beauty industry a movement is happening, a movement towards natural ingredients and away from harmful toxins as consumers become more informed of the potential health dangers of many…

Breaking the Stress Cycle
While some days are worse than others, most people experience some form of stress every day. Stress has been called the silent killer, or the killer without a face because…
The MYD Show – A Mind of My Own with Dunja Berger
To own your thoughts is to take the steering wheel in your life, this is some of what we uncovered as we explored the series on mental emancipation. In this,…
How Much Stress is Too Much Stress?
How much stress is too much? As the end of the year approaches, most people are reporting their stress levels as at an all time high. However, how much is…
MiLife New Me: Food is My Kryptonite
Zenzi Awases has been on her MILife New Me journey for the past 2 months and we caught up with her to find out how her New Me journey is…
Commandments for Healthy Eating During Winter Months
When winter strikes, we tend to find comfort only in the seasonal starches: potatoes, apples, squashes, onions, beans and carrots. That being said, we all know a plant-based diet or…
Food to Keep Your Skin Glowing during Winter
Cold harsh winter weather can take a toll on your skin. Fight back with this arsenal of skin-nourishing foods that will keep your skin and glowing all season long. Carrots…
MiLife New Me – Keep On Keeping On…
Fortune Kangueehi has been on her MiLife New Me journey for the past 8 weeks and we touched base with her to find out how she is fairing. Here is…
Are You Eating To Optimise Your Immune System This Winter?
The cooler winds are alerting us to the presence of winter, a time many fear due to the associated winter health worries. However our immunity is something dependant on the…
Prevent a Binge Before It Starts
We’ve all been there. Despite that green smoothie you managed to down this morning, it takes just one snarky email / very unfriendly customer service run-in / inconsiderate neighbour to…
Summer Bodies are Made in Winter
It doesn’t matter what season it is, motivating yourself to workout is never easy. It doesn’t matter if you plan on rocking a swimsuit for the next two months or you…
How Zenzi Got Her Groove Back
This week we caught up with Zenzi Awases. Who is one of four MiLife New Year New Me competition winners. Zenzi won a 2 year MiLife membership and a Garmin…
MiLife – Tips for Winter Wellness
Winter can be a trying time both mentally and physically. While it sounds tempting to stay inside and hide from it all, being proactive about your health and wellbeing will…
Essential Oil Based Recipes for Sore and Painful Muscles
If your muscles are extremely sore don’t expect the pain to subside after a single essential oil massage application. You might have to give yourself two to three days rest…
80% Diet and 20% Exercise!
Consistent exercise and proper nutrition play a vital role in your ability to maintain your overall health and quality of life. Your body needs quality fuel and proper maintenance to…
The top 9 Essential Oils to Relieve Sore Muscles and Muscle Pain
While essential oils may not be the best medicine for all of our modern day complaints, they are phenomenal remedies for complaints related to sore and painful muscles. The ones…
MiLife – No Pain, No Gain
We caught up with Fortune Kangueehi, to find out how the first three weeks of her MiLife New Me journey is going. Here are extracts from her workout journal. “So I…
Why the Sister is Inviting You To Be Tested
Diabetics require specialised care, something one Namibian, Sister Hileni Samuel, knows well through her 23 years of experience in the nursing fraternity. As such she has established, a first in…
MiLife – How to motivate yourself to workout.
There are no shortcuts to fitness and you have to motivate yourself enough to get out the door and workout. A gym is an option to put your fitness plans…
Where Foodies and Health Meet
Food is fuel for our bodies and using the right fuel has an effect on our hearts, brains, moods, creativity and much more. In Windhoek, a group of passionate foodies,…
Fortune’s MiLife New Year New Me Journey
For the next three months we will be following Fortune Kangueehi’s MiLife New Year, New Me Journey. Fortune is the Marketing Director and Partner at 99FM. She is also a Masterchef…
Rejuvenation in Movement
“We have become so stationary in our lifestyles, we forget that we need to move our bodies. Not moving is decay.” Women who support each other has a positive affect…
Why We Need Our Friends
If ever you needed a good reason to reach out to your friends today, how about the fact that great friends make you happy and healthy. Your friends, the ones…
The MYD Show – Uncover Your Muse with Hermien Elago
Hermien Elago joined us in studio for this episode of the MYD Show. Hermien shared her incredible journey from seeing triple digits on her scale and her health deteriorating fast,…
The Rise of Movement
This past weekend the capital city was a hive of activity as Windhoekers rose to the occasion of Rise Namibia. Armed with water bottles and comfortable clothing, people came out…
Creating a Space for Stillness
“I found meditation in much the same way that most people do. Out of frustration and desperation and the quiet determination that comes once you decide that actually, I deserve…