99FM – Your Inspiration Station

MiLife – How to motivate yourself to workout.

There are no shortcuts to fitness and you have to motivate yourself enough to get out the door and workout.

A gym is an option to put your fitness plans into action. If you live far away from a gym, then you also have the option to get your own home gym set up with all the equipment that you’d ever want from a gym. Alternatively make nature your gym.

Motivating yourself to workout is harder for some than the workout itself.

Here are some motivation tips to get you off the couch.

  • Wash your hair only on days you workout.
  • Put on your workout clothes – you will feel pretty terrible if you change out of your workout clothes without actually going for that run.
  • Write down how you feel after every workout – pull out the document and read how great you felt.
  • Remember why you started- remember all those times you tried on clothes and it didn’t look good because of the extra weight.
  • Ask yourself, “Will I regret skipping this workout?”.
  • Try group fitness.
  • Get addicted to the post-exercise endorphin rush.
  • Pretend there is a crowd and it’s going wild.
  • Surround yourself with motivation – hang up motivational pictures.
  • Give yourself micro-challenges.
  • Give yourself long-term challenges.
  • Workout with people who will cheer you on.
  • Listen to audiobooks to keep you motivated while exercising.
  • Enjoy the healthy balance of delicious food and enjoyable exercise – if you like eating or food, working out will give you a balance.
  • Do it for the pictures – pick a scenic route for your run or walk and take a few pics for the gram.
  • Use an app.
  • Make whatever you do to exercise your favourite thing.
  • Hang out with high-energy peeps.
  • Compete with any / everyone.
  • Do it for the post-race medal.
  • Vow to never be the last to cross the finish line.
  • Make it a friend meet-up.
  • Trick yourself into going longer distances.
  • Track your successes.
  • Think about how much stronger you are getting.
  • Listen to the voice inside that says, “I can do this!”.

If you are someone that needs guidance to get started, register with MiLife for N$150 per month for 24 months.

Visit www.milife.na or call +264 81 829 5111 today for more information.

