99FM – Your Inspiration Station

Summer Bodies are Made in Winter

It doesn’t matter what season it is, motivating yourself to workout is never easy. It doesn’t matter if you plan on rocking a swimsuit for the next two months or you plan on burying yourself in a pile of blankets – getting, and staying, motivated is difficult.

Don’t throw your health and wellness aside just because you aren’t wearing short shorts. In fact, winter is the best time to prepare yourself for those long, hot beach days spent in minimal clothing.

So how are you supposed to encourage yourself to exercise when all you want to do is curl up under the covers?

Buy new gym clothes

Look good, feel good! Try buying some new workout clothes. Everyone loves shopping, and exercising will give you a great excuse to buy and wear new items.

Try a class

Try taking a class – it’s a lot easier to keep going when there’s someone yelling in your face. Also you paid for these classes, so you’re less likely to skip out.

Grab a partner

Find someone to hit the gym with so it encourages you to actually go.

Get on a mat

If vigorous activity isn’t your speed, why not try yoga? It not only helps you improve your physical strength, but your emotional and mental state as well.

Don’t focus on the number on the scale

If you want to set a goal, by all means check your weight in the beginning, but don’t let that number drive or dissuade you. Be happy and motivated by what you look like in the mirror, not the number on a scale.

Fight the weather

To fight the urge to stay inside, pack a gym bag and bring it to work. You’re already out for the day, so you really have no excuse to skip the gym.

Hit an area you’ve never targeted before

Are you always running on the treadmill? Why not pick up some weights and see what those do for your body. Once you start noticing changes in places you don’t typically target, you’ll be addicted to the results.

Make a schedule

The best way to create a routine is to make and stick to a schedule.

Try on that one “outfit.” 

Everyone has that one dream outfit that absolutely requires hitting the gym in order to rock. Why not make this outlook your permanent lifestyle?

Strip your fridge

You can’t out-exercise a bad diet, so reinventing your refrigerator is a necessary step when getting into shape.

Learn to cook foods you’ll actually enjoy eating

Buying healthy food is only step one. You need to buy things you actually like eating. Prepare meals designed to actually feed you, with lots of lean proteins and complex carbs.

Plan a vacation

It’s hard to keep yourself motivated if you have nothing to look forward to, which is why planning a trip can help get the ball rolling. Just make sure not to fall back into your bad habits once the trip is over.

Workout at home 

If you want to take the less intense route, there are a variety of in-home workout videos, and YouTube is flooded with videos or register with MiLife today for N$150 per month for 24 months.

Visit www.milife.na or call +264 81 829 5111 today for more information.

