99FM – Your Inspiration Station


Aiming For a Plastic-Free World 

This MYD Earth feature puts a spotlight on the founding members of Recycle Forum Namibia. This is a company that has made it their business to prioritize sustainability, a company…

Recycling and the Bottom Line

A positive spin off is an increase on your bottom line, and it is just one of the surprising results companies find when they look to how they can operate…

Windhoek Ready To Reduce, Reuse and Recycle

The private and public sector, schools and passionate individuals  joined forces on 22 October for the first ever Windhoek Recycle Day. The day, introduced by the Recycle Forum Namibia (RNF), is…

Why we Need to Recycle

Is it just a fad or is there something to hoarding your plastics? When Green became the new Black it was recycling that became the haute hobby and suddenly everyone’s…