The Business of Health and Wellness

Empowered and Inspired Health and Wellness is what two young woman have set out to achieve here in Namibia, by starting Pulse Health & Wellness which is an innovative, web-based health and wellness company offering contextually relevant and accessible fitness and nutrition solutions to women.
As founder Taimi Itembu says when asked why she started this business “I wanted to share health and fitness with others in a way that empowers women about their bodies. Feeling confident about your body empowers you but this is not about selling an objectified view of a women’s body. True empowerment as a woman comes when you feel comfortable in your own skin. That is what genuine health and wellness is and with this approach women have a different view of themselves, an empowered one.”
Pulse Health & Wellness was started by Taimi and her business partner Nangado who says she is “Committed to making effective and evidence-based wellness interventions accessible.” Their focus on health and wellness is paying off as their business is about to enter the next chapter with a planned partnership with Curves. When this new business opens Taimi says it will be a one stop shop for women that will include health, fitness, wellness, nutrition and beauty under one roof.
99FM’s MYD Heart asked Taimi what advice she has for other budding entrepreneurs in starting a successful business, to which she replied “Many people give up on their business after the first year but if you want to succeed you need to maintain your professionalism and look at the reasons you are starting this business.” She goes on to explain that “If you are focused on what you are offering the community through your business more than on the money you will earn, then you will succeed. Just keep going and eventually you will see the results of your time and energy”
According to Pulse Health & Wellness, their underlying philosophy is that when we move enough, eat well and allow ourselves some fun and play, we create a personal health that we value deeply.
If you want to get in touch with Pulse, take a look at their website here : Pulse Health & Wellness