99FM – Your Inspiration Station

Afrospection with Otto Kapuka

Otto Kapuka is an Author and Motivational Speaker. From humble beginnings, to today a business owner whose business focuses on unlocking human potential through development.

He shares his learnings and lessons from the past year, his self examination from Africa… his Afrospection.

Otto’s favourite quote right now:

“Those who bring sunshine to the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves.“ —James Matthew Barrie

If you could wake up tomorrow having gained any one quality or ability, what would it be?

OK: The ability to communicate effectively with people from all walks of life. My work cannot happen without communication, this ability helps me to help people with ease, create social networks and build relationships.

What challenged you in 2018 and how did you overcome this challenge?

OK: What challenged me in 2018 was to find places where I could sell my books, places that are accessible. As challenging it was, I identified agents in different towns to the sell the books on my behalf, which went well in some towns and was challenging in others. Another challenge was marketing the book, also for the people who are not on social media that could benefit from the book. I established a strategy to look at other platforms which helped the book sell out, a few months after it was published.

What’s one thing that bothers you most about the world today?

What bothers me about the world is the in fights among the leaders while the people are suffering. Most leaders are after money and corruption seems the song of the day. These leaders forgot about serving the people and instead serve themselves.

What was your biggest personal development learning of 2018?

OK: My biggest personal development learning is my leadership and the ability to get the best out of the people that I’m working with.

What is your wish for Namibia for 2019?

We have become a reactive nation, especially towards things we have control over, and things we do exactly nothing about. My wish is for us to become a proactive nation and put our efforts into addressing issues that happening in the country, together. Imagine what could happen to our issues of Gender Based Violence, unemployment and the school failure rate, if we could put our resources and efforts into addressing these issues, together.

Where do you find your inspiration?

I find my inspiration from the people I help every single day. Seeing them happy and progressing in life motivate me to wake every morning and continue running my race.

What’s on your bucket list for 2019?

My wish for 2019 is to publish my second book, a book that I know will inspire many people. My aim is for this book to be bigger and better than the first one, as I’m writing it with experience after publishing the first edition. Second on my Bucket List, is to make sure my Agricultural Project is up and running. It’s my dream to establish such a project and employee as many youth as possible while helping them to realize their potential and achieve their dreams. Lastly, I hope to register for my Masters or my second degree in Social Work and also get my drivers licence.

Do you believe in second chances?

I do believe in second chances and value second chances as with the experience from the first chance, one will emerge victorious.

What skill do you wish you had?

Marketing Skills



