99FM – Your Inspiration Station

Lynne Fraser

What Your Expectations Can Do

“Your expectations, more than anything else in life, determine your reality. When it comes to achieving your goals, if you don’t believe you’ll succeed, you won’t.” This according to an…

The MYD Show – Magic Moments : Knowing Yourself

As we explored knowing yourself, we uncovered that there is freedom in being true to yourself and this comes through a deep connection and knowing of who you are. Over…

How Our Beliefs Mould Our Experience

As we took a look at what it means to know yourself, we uncovered how much our beliefs about life can mould our experience. To find out to what extent…

The MYD Show – Magic Moments : The Mind

Over the last few weeks MYD has been exploring the brain, the mind, mind-set and more, with the view to understanding ourselves, our drives, and the powerful organ that is…

The MYD Show : Season 2 Episode 7 – The Power of the Subconscious

If our brains are wired for instruction, the question becomes what instructions are you giving your brain? With understanding of the subconscious mind we are able to re-write patterns of…

The MYD Show : Season 2 Episode 6 – Developing Minds

Our brains hold an unbelievable power that can propel us forward. However through the development of our minds we are able to shape our behavior and relationships. If a thought…