99FM – Your Inspiration Station

Rob Johnstone

Loving Yourself into a Great Year

With the new year, comes resolutions for a year that will bring the things we want. However, the strength and the courage to go after your dreams, comes from loving…

Tired? Try a Little Zest

A zest for life is described as a major contributor to a person’s sense of life satisfaction. Yet at this time of year, it’s harder than normal to call upon…

The MYD Show – Passion and Action

Being mindful of our own inner knowing – connecting with our passion and balancing our mind is the essence of igniting passion with action. The Master Your Destiny Show has…

A Passion Written in the Stars

“First and foremost you must have the desire and the drive” Rob Johnstone has been featured on CNN talking about the magic of Namibia’s night skies, he has his name…