The Body Must obey the (fitness) law

Put down the bag of potato chips, and all the other guilty pleasures.
Step away from the couch.
Come out with your Hands up.
You’re under-arrest for having cheat days, EVERYDAY.’
Being unhealthy should be a crime. I’m forever breaking the laws of health. It’s such a daunting task to get fit and stay fit (so I lie to myself).
Meke Namindo, founder of Mekenifecent Fitness and creator of Namibia’s first Body Transformation Guide, has just made it simple.
“This total body transformation guide is unique because it’s the first of its kind in Namibia. Its unisex. It’s also unique because we worked on it with Namibians and it was 100% produced, directed and packaged in Namibia”, she says.
The Transformation guide contains:
- An eating guide.
- 31 days workout guide, with videos (35 minutes of full body workout and bonus HIIT workout).
- A shopping guide which was adapted from local Dietitian Mouton Dietitian.
- Easy, healthy, delicious, locally available recipes.
Aside from my hate of following a workout regimen, not watching what I eat and my absolute lack of any form of exercise, it baffles me as to why I’m unfit and slightly “chubby”.
The truth is Your honor….I’m LAZY! There I confess…don’t judge me.
Meke’s advice: Consistency, Smart eating and Smart working out.
“Improve your eating and make time to exercise and drink some water. Reduce junk. Simple. ” she adds.
Looking for a quick fix?
No such thing.
“The problem is, people gained bad habits over the years, and they want to change it and see results overnight. It won’t work. You must be patient with yourself and just let the body reverse from what it used to be. At first it will be hard, but you realize it becomes easier as you get stronger and used to the process. It’s not something to do because you have a function coming up, like a birthday or wedding or summer, it’s a lifestyle.”
As the saying goes, ‘health is wealth’. Invest wisely.
Ps* Stay out of (fat)Prison.
This guide is now available in Superspar Grove Mall at N$599.00. Also available Mekenifecent studio in Eros, 25 Heliodoor Street.
~Sibongile ‘Sibo’ Tshabalala