99FM – Your Inspiration Station

January 11, 2016

Drunk Driving Biggest Concern Facing Traffic Officers

City Police Chief Abraham Kanime says it is high time that motorists change their behaviour on the roads in order to reduce accidents. Kanime says that a lot of speeding…

Sean K’s Steps to Trusting Yourself

“You need to take the first step. You will never know how far you can walk if you only believe you can, but you never take a step.” Last year…

Trusting Yourself as a Tool of Business Success

“In business, to trust yourself is one of the most empowering decisions that you can make because when you trust yourself, other people will trust you.” To make a difference…

Trust in Silence

“The desert influences people in many different ways, but more often than not, a journey to the desert will inevitably lead to reflection, introspection and questioning ourselves. The strength and…

Goal Setting and Success Getting

“Success is never accidental but success is planned for and deliberately put in place by the one who wants to see a shift in their life.” As we get into…

The Tribe – Episode 22 – feat. Shishani

We touch base with Shishani – from Windhoek to Amsterdam and back with love, reflections, Africa and Tales from Namibia. Stay tuned as she resonates through the airwaves. We also…