PWC Namibia

Out and About 04-10 November 2018
This week Catch: Lyricist’ Lounge Interpretation of Pension Fund Financial Statements Elysee Short Film Premier Lyricists’ Lounge Date: Wed, 07 November 2018, 19:30 Venue: The Loft…
Chef Penda’s Passion
Early this year, the doors to Goûts d’Afrique, an Ethiopian-inspired African fusion restaurant with a French touch, opened at the FNCC in Windhoek. With a unique blend of Ethiopian traditional cuisine…
The Business of Equality
While great progress has been made in strides towards gender equality here in Namibia, the benefits that this human rights issue delivers prove that this is not simply a concern…
PwC Business School is the Future.
PriceWaterhouseCoopers Namibia is your guide to Business Law, VAT, Corporate Governance, Thought Leadership, Client Specific Learning Solutions, Namibian Income, Public Training Solutions and many more. This universally renowned firm is…
Netting the Resources to Learn
Learning is something accessible to all with an internet connection these days, as many self taught experts will attest. Here co-owner of iWits, Yolinda van der Linde explains how she…
Reintegrating for Change
CHANGE is changing the lives of people desperate to start over and lead a good life, but weighed down by the stigma of having been imprisoned or unqualified. For the…
Challenging the Approach in Tough Times
Challenges, like change, are a constant in life and part of the process in being a business owner. With the current economic challenge connecting most Namibian businesses, we are asked…
Hair, Beauty and Natural Authenticity
A Namibian business that is built on social entrepreneurship, is demonstrating that this is both a global, and a local trend towards more inclusivity in business. Social entrepreneurship uses business…
Tips for Sacking the Stress Slump
In business, any given day can be the best or the worst, and is often both. This effect is compounded in the grips of stress, and being the middle of…
Mindful Governance : How Value Drives Impact
A former judge of the Supreme Court of South Africa, the Chairman of the Integrated Reporting Council and of the Global Reporting Initiative, Professor Mervyn King is most well known…
Need Help with Your Tax?
In the run up to the 30 June tax return deadline, Mark sat down with PwC Tax Leader, Stefan Hugo, to chat about TaxTim – the online tax return completion…
Is How You See Stress Making an Impact on You?
What if how you framed your stress could have an effect on how stressed you are? According to Namibian Industrial Psychologist, Coen Welsh, “Research suggests that our attitude toward stress…
A Passion for Taxation
Poor financial management is typically one of the main causes of a business failing. Poor tax knowledge has been shown to be the most influential factor in determining tax compliance…
Cyber Crime Protection Tips From The Experts
A recent global cyber attack, the WannaCry ransomware attack that started on the 12th of May 2017, has sent shock waves across the globe, even Namibia was not exempt from…
What Empathy Has to Do with Your Bottom Line
Business is about meeting needs, but to meet your customers and your employee’s needs, you need to first understand those needs. This is where empathy is a powerful tool in…
Crafting a Business With Wire
Creating an income from what started at a hobby, Namibian born, Moris David has become known in the city centre for his consistently happy face and generously warm-hearted nature. That…
A Business Built Around Namibian Books
Nestled in the heart of Windhoek is a little bookstore with Namibian patriotism displayed on the shelves as literature. “We try to have all Namibian books available and anything about…
How to Express Yourself for Better Understanding
Communication is the backbone on which companies function. Good communication affects everything from team morale, to productivity and profitability. All too often, what we try to communicate gets lost in…
Finding Success in Meaning
In life and in business, obstacles faced often weaken our resolve to continue. How does one re-energise in the face of setbacks, is what 99FM’s MYD Smart asked Namibian Industrial…
Slowing Down to Smell the Coffee
One Namibian business that was born out of passion seems to be unstoppable in their success. From humble beginnings in Swakopmund, Slowtown Coffee Roasters have become a proudly Namibian household…
Tools For Making Informed Career Choices
“I think an individual at any point in their careers should come in for testing as it may point to strengths which can boost confidence both in and out the…
Franklin’s Four Tips For Entrepreneurs In The New Year
A new year brings opportunities to reflect on our growth and identify areas that need to be improved on. This is especially important for small business owners and entrepreneurs, considering…
Lessons from 2016 by Sam Shivute
Sam Shivute is the Director of the Banking Services Department at Bank of Namibia, the Chairman of the National Housing Enterprise Board, a professional speaker and motivational speaker as well…
Afra’s Taking Stock of 2016
Afra Schimming-Chase is a certified Financial Planner with an academic legal background. She is also a Partner at FranklinCovey Namibia, a motivational speaker and a passionate Namibian who has shared…
Smart Finance Tips for the Festive Season
To have a memorable holiday season, shouldn’t mean you need to go into debt, and by keeping your finances under control you can keep the other challenging aspects of the…
It’s Never Too Early or Too Late for Passion
“Our interests and tastes are as varied and unique as we are and the only way to discover them is by actually doing and trying.” Passion is a driver. It…
Dreams Coming True for Namibian Chefs
“I feel excited and I am looking forward to the competition, especially the people we are going to be competing against when we win the cup.” Says Brendall Masambo who…
Why Wellness is a Work Must
More companies these days are looking at wellness in the workplace and smartly so. Today people tend to spend most of their waking hours at work and this experience can…
Otto Kapuka on Passion
Passion drives ambition. Passion was what drove Steve’s Job’s vision of a phone with one button in the front, Jeff Bezos of Amazon’s dream of a store that sold everything….
How to Get Comfortable with Change
“The thought of making a life change can be so intimidating that even though you want to be the master of your own destiny you’ll end up doing nothing or settling…
Problems That Deliver Possibilites
“Fall in love with the problems because finding a solution to a problem is innovation, and once you innovate, you create.” Driving innovation and using recycled items while they do,…
Why Failure is a Stepping Stone to Success
“A company or a person will have significantly stunted growth and development if they don’t learn to embrace their mistakes.” Say the word failure and most people want to run,…
How To Dress For A Job Interview
You’ve gone to recruitment agencies, circled job vacancies in newspapers, you’ve called all you contacts, and your CV has been sent out personally, electronically and if you could you would’ve…
How To Negotiate Your Salary
We all have expectations when it comes to our salary, some realistic and others not. While most people will argue that salaries are something people are never satisfied with, without…
Rachel Kalipi’s Mahangu Cookie Revolution
Business savvy Rachel Kalipi is an entrepreneur in the truest sense of the word. Her approach to the business of Mahangu Cookies shows the commercial potential that exists with this…
Namibian Tradition Goes Digital
Namibian innovation is growing in leaps and bounds with inventors and scientists banding together to grow innovation in the country. One such example is that of Aron Hamukwaya, the Managing…
What NOT to wear to work
“Light travels faster than sound, so your appearance speaks volumes about you before you even say a word. So if you’re looking to succeed in a professional setting, it’s important to…
Daring, Different and Digital
Social media has become the market place of today’s generation. Not always to make purchases, as new research shows, but always to research intended purchases before making a buying decision….
The MYD Show – Balance and Cycles with Nangula Uaandja
Nangula Uaandja is an inspirational Namibian and the country’s first black female chartered accountant. A highly awarded academic and a successful career woman, Nangula is the Country Senior Partner of…
Why You Should do a Walking Meeting
Who likes meetings? They are often the bane of any office existence. It’s no wonder that posts such as “how to seem really smart during meetings” exist, because most meetings leave you…
6 Ways to Make People Like You
Namibian Life Coach and Business Owner, Nabukenya Muwonge notes that “The biggest lesson I learnt as an employer is that the most efficient way of getting people to support you…
Chickens: An Opportunity for SME’s
According to the Namibia Trade Forum, “Chicken farming is a “Low-Hanging Fruit” economic activity which could create employment in the short and medium term for many Namibians.” Maria Lisa Immanuel,…
The Cost of Going Green
“With returns like these it’s easy to see why the conversion to a ‘green’ building might mean an initial capital outlay however one that delivers returns that far exceed the…
Being Money Smart this Festive Season
“Money is a very emotional topic, and in December, we want to switch off, recharge, be really silly and have a fabulous time.” Money is the last thing you want…
What You Do is Not Who You Are
“For most a career is tied into self-actualization, a dream that is realized. Thus, when you are asked who you are more often than not you would introduce yourself as…
The Power of Forgiveness in Building a Successful Business
“John Sam, who is now fully rehabilitated, has always topped the list of the most dedicated employees at Jay-Jay’s Body Repairs, and I am so proud of him.” A…
The Business Sense of Empowering People
“People are your frontline and your front line is your bottom line” A go to name in sound, lighting, staging and audio visual services, dB Audio Namibia has become a…
The responsibility of the company when talking Mental Health
“With the endless list of benefits to the organisation to ensure a mentally fit working environment, even an increase in profit margins, it most certainly pays to consider what your organisation…
New Laws Leaving Small Business Owners Angry, Unless Properly Guided
New tax legislation has SME’s and small business owners up in arms over what these new laws will mean to their business. As such, 99FM’s MYD Smart sat down with…
Coming Alive in a Space
“Where there’s passion all your activities are effortless.” In Windhoek, the “It” venue in town is Chopsi’s Bar. Situated in the Old Breweries Complex in the city centre, you’ll find this…
Business, Passion and Sushi
“My husband always had a dream of opening his own sushi restaurant, this was always the vision he had for himself.” Sushi is still a fairly new type of food…
Technology a Catalyst for Changing Lives
“Cloud computing has the potential to generate a series of disruptions that will ripple out from the tech industry and ultimately transform many industries around the world.” Cloud technology in…