99FM – Your Inspiration Station

Triggering Good Vibes

“The way that I apply my rational mind will determine how I can change my triggers. This happens by looking at my own story in a different way”

Your emotions have a major role to play in how you experience and interact with the world. This is because your emotions are the driving force behind many behaviors. Namibian Clinical Psychologist Heidi Burmeister Nel, this week’s guest on the MYD Show says that “emotions give us insight into ourselves and because of this they are neither right or wrong.”

Daniel J. Siegel, the author of The Developing Mind, says in his book that emotions “create a state of readiness for action.” Siegel in his book goes on to explain that “emotion directly influences the functions of the entire brain and body, from physiological regulation to abstract reasoning.”

Burmeister Nel says that “emotions are a blend of experiences that are generated in the body. They give us information about ourselves. However it is important to note that emotions are not always factual. Therefore we can regard them as valid but we do need to be cautious. We need to examine what information is behind the emotions before we follow them.”

Emotional triggers are the buttons that get pushed inside us all. Something such as an event or a word, that sets off a memory that transports us back to a time we have been hurt.

When talking about emotional triggers, Heidi notes that “Emotions that we train in feeling, is what the body is more familiar with. Our cells become prone to receiving those feelings.”

However Heidi states that we can change these triggers should we wish to. “We can change triggers through creating a new positive experience that’s happening to the body. Consciousness changes triggers.”

When asked how this is possible Heidi explains that we need to “Be aware, be curious, be willing and have the intention to change and then change will happen.” Heidi goes on to explain that “If I decide that I need to change, I can. The way that I apply my rational mind will determine how I can change my triggers. This happens by looking at my own story in a different way.”

Heidi states that “If we want to change behaviour we need to move to what is uncomfortable and that is, the new. If you can stick with it, it will become the new norm and the new behaviour. The good thing about the brain is that it has the ability to do that.”

MYD Heart asked Heidi to give us a list of books that could assist us to deepen our understanding of emotions, triggers and the brain.
These are her suggestions :
The Developing Mind by Daniel J. Siegel
The Brain that Changes Itself by Norman Doidge
Buddha’s Brain by Rick Hanson, PH.D.
Evolve Your Brain by Joe Dispenza

