NHP Namibia
Self Awareness – Fannes Namhunya on why we shouldn’t take it personally
MYD: What is your take on taking things personally? FN: We are brought up in a culture where we don’t go into children’s minds, to where critical thinking occurs….
Building Tolerance Towards Yourself
by Karen Powell The idea of needing to build tolerance towards yourself implies there’s something wrong with you, or that you’re struggling to reconcile something within yourself. You might be…
Learning to Bend But Not to Break
Yoga in Namibia is growing, the many new studios in Windhoek, Swakopmund, Oshakati and beyond to prove as such. But more than that, schools are offering yoga to students to…

Art Therapy, A Whole New World
In the words of Howard W Thurman, civil rights leader, “Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive and then do that… Because what the world…

Change As the Vehicle of All We Could Become
“Change is the vehicle that delivers you to the doorstep of your dreams.” Fear of change is something we all seem to have in common yet all the great sages…

Afrospection with Linda Magano Baumann
Namibian Paralegal and Communications Activist, Linda Magano Baumann, awarded for the work she does as a LGBTI activist in Namibia shares here her learnings and lessons from the past year,…

Afrospection with Kirstin Van As
Yoga Instructor, Massage Therapist, Qigong Trainer and Alternative Healer, Kirstin Van As, shares here her learnings and lessons from the past year, her self examination from Africa… her Afrospection. Kirstin’s…

Afrospection with Adriano Visagie
Adriano Visagie is an award winning Namibian actor, a Radio host and media personality and a Full-time Banker. He shares his learnings and lessons from the past year, his self…

Afrospection with Karen Powell
Creativity Coach, Karen Powell shares here her learnings and lessons from the past year, her self examination from Africa… her Afrospection. Karen’s favourite that quote right now: “Be yourself and everything…

Children and Occupational Therapy
Emma Guthrie is an Occupational Therapist who, in light of the recent Occupational Therapy Month, prepared for us this short piece that explains occupational therapy when working with children. Occupational Therapy…

Expressing Emotions Across Gender Lines
Popular culture would have us believe that men are from Mars and women are from Venus. According to Namibian Clinical Psychologist, Heidi Burmeister-Nel, “We are all well aware of the…

How Emily Found Her Fit
“My parents both have high blood pressure and my Dad has diabetes. I made a decision, that this wouldn’t be me.” Recently awarded the Fitness Personality of the Year 2018,…

Food as a Mode of Vitality
“The food you eat can either be the safest and most powerful form of medicine or the slowest form of poison.” Nutritionists and Doctors alike advocate for healthy eating as…

Perspective Changing Tips for Stress Relief
Changing your perspective when you can’t change your situation has become almost clichéd advice. Yet, if our perspective can have an affect on our general wellbeing, perhaps its worthwhile knowing…
Talking Tolerance by Coen Welsh
Inhumanity is made visible in a lack of tolerance, which has the power to destroy the peace of society. What tolerance is and why we need it, is what Namibian…
Building Tolerance Towards Yourself
by Karen Powell The very idea of needing to build tolerance towards yourself implies there’s something wrong with you, or that you’re struggling to reconcile something within yourself. You might…
Naturally Beautiful
In the beauty industry a movement is happening, a movement towards natural ingredients and away from harmful toxins as consumers become more informed of the potential health dangers of many…

Breaking the Stress Cycle
While some days are worse than others, most people experience some form of stress every day. Stress has been called the silent killer, or the killer without a face because…
Lighting the Way out of the Storm
Tabea Boye started the Lighthouse Lifestyle Wellness Centre, to teach people different relaxation techniques and offer various relaxation treatments. This after she saw first hand, the damaging effect stress has…
Standing for Sameness
The HeForShe solidarity movement for Gender Equality provides a systematic approach and targeted platform on which men and boys can engage and become change agents towards the achievement of gender…
The Remedy in the Horseback Ride
Listed as a proven successful therapy in the treatment of ailments as diverse as anxiety, depression, ADHD cerebral palsy and more, Horseback riding has become the recovery remedy for many…
What Four Behaviours Spell Danger in Your Relationship?
Can you accurately predict the demise of a relationship? Following years of research, Professor of Psychology Dr. John Gottman, uncovered communication styles that have proven to be able to predict…
Afrospection with Heidi Burmeister-Nel
A Namibian woman who helps so many, Clinical Psychologist and regular MYD contributor, Heidi Burmeister Nel, shares here her learnings and lessons from the past year, her self examination from…
Afrospection with Coach Herbert
Speaker, Counsellor, Author and Life Coach, Herbert Mtowo shares here his learnings and lessons from the past year, his self examination from Africa… his Afrospection. Looking Back… Q: How would you describe…
Afrospection with Suncycles’ Marita Walther (van Rooyen)
Marita Walther (van Rooyen) is a Namibian Writer, Editor, Photographer, Environmental Social Activist and co-founder of Suncycles Namibia, which is all about sustainable energy use and mobility. Marita shares here her…
Afrospection with Bianca Özcan
An exceptional woman, Bianca Özcan is the Founder & Project Manager of Multiple Sclerosis Namibia, which is an association that supports Namibians living with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and also someone…
The First Lady Asking All to Pledge Peace
Working together to create the change we wish to see in our societies is what the newly launched #BreakFree 2 #BeFree Campaign is all about. Through smart partnerships, Namibians are…
How to Get Your Mind Stronger and More Flexible
Life is unpredictable, this is why the people who manage to stay calm in the midst of it all use strategies to calm and centre. One such strategy is meditation,…
How Much Stress is Too Much Stress?
How much stress is too much? As the end of the year approaches, most people are reporting their stress levels as at an all time high. However, how much is…
The Benefit of the Melody
Music has been attributed with healing powers since ancient times, with even Hippocrates, considered the founder of medicine, having been known to use music as part of his treatment plan…
Four More Reasons to Love Massage
As though anyone needed any more reasons to love massage, it’s been proven that the power of touch boasts many health benefits and whats more, is said to be as beneficial…
Sister Shivute’s Passion for Health and Care
Sitting down with Sister Shivute you quickly notice that she radiates a passion for quality healthcare. This passion drove her to start a mobile clinic that has become a permanent…
Windhoek’s New Breast and Thyroid Specialist
“Medical services in Namibia are developing towards a higher level, and what we are going to see in Namibia is the introduction of super specialist clinics that are organ specific….
Taking a Stand for Road Safety
A group of Namibians have decided to take a stand, collectively, against road fatalities through an awareness campaign that is cracking down on drunken driving in the capital. “We knew…
Championing for The Child in Need of a Kidney
The Windhoek Kidney & Dialysis Centre does not dispense medication. This means that Namibians on dialysis need to get their medication from pharmacies with dispensing licenses. Through dispensing medication to…
Bottling Problems, Does It Help?
Problems don’t discriminate. We all experience our fair share of difficulties and adversity. But in handling problems, at times, it seems that the best, easiest and simplest option is to…
Could Empathy Make You a Better Parent?
How do you foster empathy as a parent, is what 99FM’s MYD Heart asked Namibian Clinical Psychologist, Ute Sinkala, who notes that within the context of parenting, “empathy is defined…
Are You Eating To Optimise Your Immune System This Winter?
The cooler winds are alerting us to the presence of winter, a time many fear due to the associated winter health worries. However our immunity is something dependant on the…
The Dancer Who Knows About Rhythm and Heart
Dance is something that can be found in every culture, throughout history. Science is demonstrating why, as dance yields many advantages from incredible brain benefits to heart health. Dancing is…
Youth Who Feel a Humanitarian Responsibility
Frustrations at seeing others in need, is what drove Jasmine-Rose Goagoses to start a project that would provide assistance to of the most vulnerable in Namibia. When friends, Nonelwa Gqwede,…
Tweshi’s Journey To The Self
An ancient practice, Yoga is more than 10,000 years old with the earliest mention of the tradition found in the worlds oldest surviving literature. There are reasons why this practice…
Melissa’s Free Meditation Tools
Anxiety will take a difficult but manageable situation, and convince you that it is an unbearable and unfixable disaster. With stress and anxiety pulling the reigns, decision-making abilities and…
Could Stress and Trauma Be Holding You Back?
In an average life, some kind of traumatic or extremely tense situation has been experienced. If unresolved, traumas can lead to substance abuse, violence, depression and high levels of chronic…
Otto On Effective Parenting
Raising children is one of the hardest and most rewarding jobs possible, yet also a job for which most are the least prepared. Effective Parenting is learning the skills required…
Why the Sister is Inviting You To Be Tested
Diabetics require specialised care, something one Namibian, Sister Hileni Samuel, knows well through her 23 years of experience in the nursing fraternity. As such she has established, a first in…
Involving Children in Helping Children
Realising that to live in a better world we need to make the world better, has resulted in the birth of Poiyah. A charity organisation, Poiyah wants to be the…
4 Heart Health Tips from the Doctor
The month of love brings with it opportunities to reflect on the love in our lives. It is also, in the literal sense, a chance for us to consider the…
Rejuvenation in Movement
“We have become so stationary in our lifestyles, we forget that we need to move our bodies. Not moving is decay.” Women who support each other has a positive affect…
Why We Need Our Friends
If ever you needed a good reason to reach out to your friends today, how about the fact that great friends make you happy and healthy. Your friends, the ones…
Loving Yourself into a Great Year
With the new year, comes resolutions for a year that will bring the things we want. However, the strength and the courage to go after your dreams, comes from loving…
The Art of Fearlessly Loving Myself
Zodidi Gaseb is an inspirational Namibian whose TEdx talk was selected by TED as one out of only 15 talks from around the globe that inspired people in celebration of…
Don’t Let the To-Do List Distract You on the Road
As the holiday season approaches and Namibians set off to their favourite relaxation destination, the hustle and bustle of it all can lead to many distractions as this is evident…
Dr Vaja Zatjirua on Brain Health at the End of the Year
Being the end of the year, priorities tend to be centered around things like getting our last to-do list of the year wrapped up; socialising the last year-end steam off…
Finding Fun In Healthy Eating
Combining skills and a shared passion for healthy eating, one couple decided to turn learning about healthy eating and how best to sustain our bodies, into an experience that is both…
Little Hands Needing Help
On the 17th of November, the world observes World Prematurity Day each year. This year, for the first time, the day will be observed in Namibia. The reason for the…
How to Side Step the Pitfalls of Perfectionism
“Perfectionism is more about fear of failure than the desire to produce excellent results.” Perfectionism is described as a fast track to unhappiness and a sure fire way to derail…
Tired? Try a Little Zest
A zest for life is described as a major contributor to a person’s sense of life satisfaction. Yet at this time of year, it’s harder than normal to call upon…
Putting Balance Back with Beauty
A woman of many talents, Beauty Boois is a Namibian not afraid to take on challenges. However, for most this was a year filled with challenges, making it is easy…
The Rise of Movement
This past weekend the capital city was a hive of activity as Windhoekers rose to the occasion of Rise Namibia. Armed with water bottles and comfortable clothing, people came out…
What Your Expectations Can Do
“Your expectations, more than anything else in life, determine your reality. When it comes to achieving your goals, if you don’t believe you’ll succeed, you won’t.” This according to an…
Learning to Bend But Not Break
Yoga in Namibia is growing, the many new studios arriving in Windhoek, Swakopmund, Oshakati and beyond to prove as such. But more than that, schools are offering yoga to students…
One Namibian Taking on the Channel for Others
Namibian businessman and entrepreneur, Bruce Salt, is about to attempt to swim the English Channel. If he were to succeed, it would make him the first Namibian man to do…
A Toolkit to Create Balance In Your Life
“This foundation not only creates a greater sense of balance, but it will also help you recover much quicker in the inevitable times of imbalance.” Life is a balancing act;…
Why We Need To Detox Relationships
Threatening relationships the world over is the very thing that connects us to the world. It’s a catch 22 if ever there was one, but studies are pointing to the…
What to Eat to Start Your Day Right
The foundation is laid for the day ahead in the way we start it, and according to Namibian Nutrition & Dietetic Consultant, Samantha du Toit, ‘nutrition is important all day…
Are Our Lives Off-Balance?
“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” In order for one to feel at peace and in touch…
Three Easy Stress Busting Tools
There are many things in a day that can rob us of our peace of mind and so in order to get through the day unscathed, it pays to be…
Anger Suppression and Depression
“Holding onto anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned.” ― Gautama Buddha Have you…
Being Emotionally Prepared This Festive Season
“Feelings are not facts and we should therefore be very skeptical of believing everything we feel and think, at least until we have been willing to scrutinize ourselves a little.”…
Worthy of Help and Assistance
“If we lived in a world where men and women were equal we would be able to remove GBV. We need to start seeing all humans as equally worthy.”…
Freedom in Forgiveness
“As long as we refuse to let go, holding onto our grudge, we choose to hold on to the pain, onto the story of what they did or didn’t do……